Generation 5 Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Forrest’s POV


I nodded. We walked in silence to the park. He sat down at one of the chess boards that were usually occupied by old men in the daytime. I sat down across from him. He moved one of the pieces.


“Your move.”




He gestured to the board. “Your move.”




“No one will pay much attention if two people sit here and talk and play chess. They might even think we’re on a date.”

I moved a piece at random. His mouth quirked in a smile. “Why did I help? I’ve been thinking about that a lot these past few weeks. It’s not how I usually do things. I am among other things an assassin. A good one.”


I stared at him. I didn’t know much about that sort of thing, but I couldn’t imagine why he would reveal that information to a complete stranger.


“What does this have to with Blaine?”


“I killed his parents. I would prefer if you didn’t mention that to him. Specifically, the woman who’s been holding him prisoner hired me to kill his parents. I tampered with their car. It crashed. His father died on impact. Emergency services arrived before I could kill his mother. He was in her womb. My employer paid me to kidnap the child and erase all record of its existence from the hospital and minds of those in it. Your father was one of those people.”


“You know my father?”


“I know who he is. Blood relatives tend to have similar scents.”


“So why change your mind now? Nobody’s paying you.”

He picked up his king and rolled around in his fingers. “Which piece is the most powerful? The king or the queen? The queen is the most versatile piece and can go anywhere that she needs to in order to protect the king, but if the king is checkmated the game is over.”


“Is there a point?”


“My employer is ruthless and ambitious. She prefers being the power behind the throne.”


I swallowed. “You’re talking about Ebony Prince, aren’t you? She’s the one who’s been abusing Blaine. But why would she do that? What does she gain?”


“The law prevents women from ruling. She has a son, but her son is illegitimate. She raped her stepson and passed the child off as her husband’s. Her son married his cousin. They only have daughters. Blaine is descended from her stepson. He is the legitimate heir to the throne.”


“Blaine is incapable of ruling. He would be a puppet.”


“True enough. Some people like to play with puppets, but do the puppets enjoy being played with?”


“Is Jet Prince the father of Blaine’s children?”


“I believe so.”


“That still doesn’t answer the question why?”


“I don’t think she is entirely sane anymore. My people have different views about what sort of behavior is acceptable, but even they have expressed concerns.”


“Can you help me rescue him? I’ll pay. Whatever you want, I’ll pay it.”


“No. At least, not until after he’s given birth. I don’t know how she’ll react if the child looks like you. I won’t make you any promises. As for payment,” he paused, “you should not offer a blank check to one such as I.” He reached over and stroked my cheek. “There are many different forms of payment.”


“I take it you’re not talking about credit cards,” I said shakily, trying to still my racing pulse. He touch had sent shivers of desire through my body and I knew if he asked I would do him right here in the park where anybody could walk by.


“No.” He smiled. “However, given the uncertainties of the situation, I am willing to defer payment until a later date. Your descendants will be liable for your debt if I do not claim it prior to your death.”


I thought about it. “There are conditions. One: you have to help rescue him and the child.”


“If possible,” he interrupted.


“Two: I will not sacrifice my life or the life of any my descendants for his. Three: if the rescue is unsuccessful, you will extract payment from me and only me.”


“I will help rescue him. It may not be possible to rescue the child. I will not kill you or any of your descendants. If we are unsuccessful and you are not captured in the attempt, you will bear me a child.”


“A child? Is that what you want from my bloodline? An heir?”


“Yes. I am getting older. Killing is boring me. You or one of your descendants will become my spouse and parent to my heir.”


I considered that for a while. “There has to be loophole. A way for my descendant to be released from the pledge. I cannot force anybody into an arranged marriage. I will marry you if we do not succeed.”


“Fair enough. When the time comes, my chosen spouse will be given a way to be released from the betrothal. I will not, however, tell anyone but that person what it is. No fair giving them an unfair advantage.” He stood up. “Are we agreed on the terms?”

I stood up and nodded. “Yes, we are.” He moved closer and kissed me. There was a sharp sting as he bit my lip. I tasted blood and shoved him away. “What was that for?”

“To seal our agreement. Blood for blood.”


“You bite all your clients?”


“They offer me money. You offered whatever I wanted.” He disappeared too quickly for me to track where he went. I walked home thinking that I had just sold my soul.


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